File option allows file managementlike creation of new documents, saving, exporting, importing and printing.
To create a new project, choose New (Ctrl + N) or use the advanced create options.
Blank Project option does the same thing as the selection New option from the File menu. Just a plain blank empty project will open.
Project with Image will create a new project window but with an image in the background. The background image is used as a reference when digitizing. When this option is selected, the image browse dialog appears. User chooses the image to import and clicks Open. ThreadsES supports various image types such as JPG, PNG, BMP.
If the file type is not image, ThreadsES will give a warning about it. The warning dialog window shows up and asks user to select a different file.
User clicks Yes to browse the file or No to cancel (and not display any image).
The Lettering project option creates a new project and immediately starts the lettering mode. Use this option if you only want to set lettering.
User can Open existing ThreadsES file, or image files or any of the supported files.
The ThreadsES file format does not store the background images. They must be manually reloaded with the document. When the user opens the file that references an image, ThreadsES will warn user about the image file.
User clicks Yes if they want to load the image file, otherwise will click No.
If the user selects an image file (instead of an embroidery file), a dialog will show. The dialog notifies the user that the selected file is an image file and offers to create a new project to start working with image file as the background.
Click Yes to create a new project based on the selected image as the background. Selecting No will create a blank empty project.
The Close option exits only the current project, and not the whole application. If the last changes on the project are not saved, the user is prompted to save them.
The Save command saves all the changes made after the last file save. If the files has not been saved before, the Save command behaves like Save As command. The dialog window will appear which allows choosing the file location, the file name and the file format.
The Import option is used for only importing Embroidery formats (not image files). It does not behave like Open, since it only imports the files into the Import Section Dialog Bar. Users can then select part or all for the design to “paste” to the current project.
Information (Job) Sheet enables users to print and review the current project. Not only will this feature let user print the project, but it will show information concerning the current project. Users will be able to enter client and company information.
Recent files shows the most recent projects the user has worked on. The most recent project will show up as first in the list.
Exit will close all projects, prompt saving if any changes were made, and exit the application.
Close, Save, Save As and Import options are unavailable when there are not any active projects open.
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