Layouts are software-defined settings that control the look of your interface. User can always modify the interface the way that suits him, but they can also use settings that are optimized for different drawing needs.
The default layout is Normal View, which contains Top toolbar, Side toolbar, bottom toolbar and the drawing windows.
Minimalist view shows only the drawing window. Its behavior is the same as Hide All Dialogs.
User can get back to the default layout by selecting Normal view in the Layout menu or can turn on the toolbars in the View section.
Editor layout adds one new top toolbar (editing) and one new addition to the bottom toolbar (grid dialog). The drawing windows is not an empty white space anymore, as it now shows rulers around the window and includes grid. Editor layout also activates point editing mode.
Lettering layout is the predefined setting for lettering mode. It acts the same as the Editor layout, but instead it also activates the lettering mode.
Digitizer layout equips your interface ready for the digitizing process. Here the top toolbar is the same as default, but the bottom toolbar receives one more section – background dialog window.
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